

You've come to the right place if you want to become involved in the life of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church. Our ministries are the working groups that keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes. Each ministry is guided by two ruling elders and is comprised of volunteers from our congregation who wish to share their knowledge and experience. Each ministry meets once a month, so feel free to sit in and make a difference. Click here to view the church calendar.

The Christian Education ministry of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church is dedicated to providing opportunities for the spiritual growth of our congregation through a variety of programs. The Christian Education ministry meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in room 4-6. Contact the Christian Education ministry.

FaithWorks*: Meets weekly on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. The class for individuals who wish to increase their knowledge of the Christian faith, the Bible and learn how to apply these lessons to their lives.

Women’s Bible Study: Meets weekly on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Come to learn and enhance your knowledge of the Bible while growing your faith. Experience the joy of fellowshipping with one another.

Men’s Bible Study: Meets weekly on Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. for food and fellowship, with Bible Study following at 9:00 a.m.

Membership Matters: This is the pathway to membership in Burnt Presbyterian Church. The steps to becoming a member (Active or Affiliate) of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church involve attending a series of classes called Membership Matters. The final class presents the opportunity to join the church.

Presbyterian Women: Presbyterian Women activities are scheduled from October – May each year. The circles (small groups) meet November, January, February, and April. The PW Gatherings with keynote speakers are October, December, March, and May. Activities offer fellowship, friendship, and mission opportunities.

Nursery: Would you like your little ones to relax and play in a safe, loving environment while you worship? Stop by the Information Carousel in our foyer and upon request, we offer nursery care for infants and small children during both our Sunday services. Would you like to stay with your children? Within our sanctuary we have a “children’s room” where parents can play with their children while watching and hearing the service of worship. Or, if you prefer your little ones right next to you, that’s great, too. We would be honored to share our sanctuary with you! To volunteer please contact the church office.

*FaithWorks is the term we use for what may be known to others as Sunday School.

The Congregational Care ministry's purpose is to serve the needs of the congregation in the following areas: Food, Fellowship, and Faith Dinners - Holy Grounds Café - Memorial Service Receptions - Kitchen/Pantry Oversight - Health Related Activities - Historian/Archives - Bloodmobile - Stephen Ministry - Diaconate - Flying Solo. This committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in the Boardroom adjacent to Stewart Hall. Contact the Congregational Care ministry.

The primary focus is to attract people to the church who do not currently attend church or who are searching for a new church home. The Communications ministry meets the 2nd Thursday, every month at 9:00 am at the Church - Room 3/5. Contact the Communications ministry.

Visitors - Visitors are identified in our system and connections are maintained through personalized follow-up. First-time visitors are presented a Welcome Packet.

Promotion & Advertising - Website & Social Media Outreach - Press releases are issued to share with the community the activities and accomplishments of the church. Paid advertising highlights special events. We are committed in making sure our website and social media aspects to promote and present our church to our members and community are reflective of our mission statement and goals.

Information Carousel - Oversee, maintain, and staff the Information Carousel, which provides information on church activities and events.

Narthex Area - We oversee the narthex area to promote church initiatives.

The Finance & Stewardship ministry is co-chaired by two ruling elders and staffed by Property Ministry Elders and volunteer church members with a wide range of financial/management experience. The Ministry meets monthly to review financial reports prepared and presented by the church Treasurer. Reports include: Monthly and YTD income statement, balance sheet, tracking of actual ministry budgets and cash flow analysis. The Ministry is responsible for preparing the annual budget for Session approval and presentation to the congregation. The Ministry is also responsible for managing balance sheet assets and investments. A separate committee has been established for stewardship, which reports to the Finance and Stewardship ministry. The Finance and Stewardship Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the annual stewardship campaign and the reporting of pledge results to the F&S Ministry. The Finance and Stewardship Committee is also responsible for on-going programs to establish a “culture of generosity” through church member contributions of time, talent and treasure. The Finance and Stewardship committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month after the first Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM in the room 4. Contact the Finance & Stewardship ministry. 

The mission of the Missions ministry is to respond to His call by reaching out to all people. Mission giving is defined, not only monetarily, but includes gifts of food, clothing, other property and the giving of one's time and talent. The Missions ministry is dedicated to reaching out and helping others locally, nationally and around the world. Assistance is given with “hands on” activities as well as financially to some 30 organizations. Feeding the homeless, --- providing food and clothing to migrant farm workers, --- working with boys in a group foster home, ---delivering food so school kids have something to eat over the weekends, -- ringing the bell and manning a station for the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Christmas activity, --- participating in national and international mission efforts --- and building with the Habitat for Humanity -- these are a few of the many opportunities for church members to help some of God’s children who are in need. If you have a place in your heart that feels a call to help others, contact any member of the Missions Ministry for more information. Click here to view the local, domestic, and world organizations supported by our church. This ministry meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:00 AM in the room 4. Contact the Missions ministry.

The Personnel ministry is comprised of the Pastor(s), the Clerk of Session and Elders from the Nurture and Discipleship, Facilities & Property, Finance & Stewardship and Worship & the Arts Ministries. In 2021, two human resource/ personnel members were added to the Ministry. The Clerk of Session is the Chairperson of the Ministry and the Ministry is responsible for (a) coordinating personnel policy for the church staff, (b) conducting annual objective employee evaluations of all staff members, (c) reviewing and recommending to Session compensation and benefits packages for all staff and for budgeting purposes, (d) recommending personnel policies to Session, such as employment, separation and reviews involving staff personnel, as required by Session and conducted only by authority of Session, (e) recommending appropriate recognition and appreciation for all staff, (f) encouraging professional growth and development for all staff and (g) acting as a liaison committee to provide an available support group as needed for the congregation, employees and/or pastors. Contact the Personnel ministry.

The Property ministry is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the facility and things contained therein, as well as the grounds surrounding the facility. The ministry builds and oversees a large budget which is comprised of money for maintenance items but also supplies for the church needs. The objective of the ministry is to utilize the funds allotted to it in a judicious manner and insure that we maintain and provide a facility worthy of its membership. This ministry meets on the first Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM in the room 3/5. Contact the Property ministry.

The Worship ministry's objective is to provide a meaningful service to worship God at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church. The Worship ministry’s responsibilities include: - working closely with the Pastors and the Music directors in the overall planning and implementation of all worship services - working with the Music directors and the organist to provide the support necessary for the music programs. The Worship ministry ensures the sanctuary is set up properly for worship each week and have the responsibility for worship service flowers and flowers and decorations for special services (Christmas, Easter.) The ministry establishes dates when communion will be served, communion preparation, communion serving, clean up and recruiting communion servers. The ministry recruits’ ushers for all services. Worship oversees budgeting for all the Worship ministry needs and ensuring all planning helps meet that budget. The Worship ministry normally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4:00 PM. Additional meetings are held as needed. Contact the Worship ministry.

Burnt Store Presbyterian Church

11330 Burnt Store Road - Punta Gorda - Florida - 33955
Phone: (941) 639-0001
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fri 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 AM -Traditional / 10:30 AM - Contemporary