Welcoming Our New Pastor

Pastor Jaco Bester

After a 13 month wait since the approval of a call to Pastor Jaco Bester, the final steps of the immigration process are falling in to place, and we anticipate being able to welcome Pastor Jaco to the pulpit, in-person, on November 20. Two worship services are planned for his first Sunday which is Christ the King Sunday. The 8:30 worship service with its traditional music format will feature a stirring presentation of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ hymn, King’s Weston, (At the Name of Jesus) arr. by Michael Burkhardt. The 10:30 worship service with a more contemporary music format will offer an up-tempo presentation of Shepherd by Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Nathan Singh, and Rich Thompson. Come and join us in this special worship.

The Bester Family

Pastor Jaco Bester & Family

Pastor Jaco Bester

Pastor Jaco Bester 10/10/2021

Pastor Nominating Committee Monthly Status Reports

As this is being written the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has been meeting weekly since March 17. We wish to extend our appreciation for the confidence you have placed in the members of this team by electing us to serve in this important work. Your prayers are coveted as we take this journey together.

While confidentiality is critical and we cannot share information about the specific pastoral candidates, we will keep you informed about the process.

The first step was to complete a 10-page Mission Information Form (MIF) which provides a narrative picture of the mission and ministry of the congregation and its sense of call. Prospective pastors will use the form to help them discern whether God is calling them to serve our church.

In completing the MIF we relied heavily on the work of the Mission Study team, using the church’s vision/mission statement as a foundation for the answers to the narrative questions. One of the questions requires the PNC to identify the top 10 competencies required for the position. The team took guidance by selecting 7 of the congregation survey’s top 8 responses. Other information on the form includes membership, worship and Christian Education participation numbers. It establishes an effective salary range, and affirms the Equal Employment Opportunity commitment of the PNC. The MIF must be approved by the Session (hopefully on April 20 – as this article is being submitted on April 15) and the Committee on Ministry of Peace River Presbytery (hopefully on May 11).

The next step will be for the MIF to be posted on the PCUSA Church Leadership Connection (CLC). This system will match pastoral candidates seeking new calls based on position type, experience level, salary, language, geographical choice and leadership competencies. More on that in a future update.

It is important to us to keep our church family informed. Once the MIF is approved it will be posted on the church’s website. We are committed to providing monthly updates via Smoke Signals. While we can anticipate some of your questions, we know there are some things you are wondering about, so a Frequently Asked Questions section is being added to the church’s website. All you need to do is send your question to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

One final thought; if you know a pastor who would be a good fit for Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, this is the time to encourage them to self-refer their Personal Information Form (PIF) to us. That can be done by sending it through the PCUSA CLC system (preferable option) or by emailing: pastorsearch@bspconline.org

We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

The Mission Information Form (MIF) about which we told you last month has been approved by Session and the Committee of Ministry of Peace River Presbytery. As this is being written the MIF is being posted on the PCUSA Church Leadership Connection (CLC). This system will match pastoral candidates seeking new calls based on position type, experience level, salary, language, geographical choice and leadership competencies. For each match, the PNC will receive a Personal Information Form (PIF), aka a resume.

Currently there are about 1800 pastors seeking a call; 42 percent are female. Six percent are first call seekers. Burnt Store Presbyterian Church has set its match criteria at a minimum of 5 years of experience, so we will not be matched with any first call seekers.

There are about 560 churches seeking a pastor, of which just under 100 of them are looking for a first call pastor. There are 20 positions available in Florida. And of the pastors seeking a call, just over 200 of them prefer to be called to a church in Florida. Another 500 have no geographical preference.

Your PNC offers the same prayer nearly every week that we meet; that God reveal to us the pastor whom He has already selected for us.

It is important to us to keep our church family informed. While we can anticipate some of your questions and address them in the monthly Smoke Signals article, we know there are some things you are wondering about, so a Frequently Asked Questions section has been added to the church’s website. If you are unable to find the answer to your question just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

One final thought. If you know a pastor who would be a good fit for Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, this is the time to encourage them to self-refer their Personal Information Form (PIF) to us. That can be done by sending it through the PCUSA CLC system (preferable option) or by emailing: pastorsearch@bspconline.org

We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

Your PNC is in the thick of the evaluation phase. As of the writing of this update we have received over 50 Personal Information Forms (think resumes).

They have come to us from 25 different states and one other country.

In this phase of the process we are screening for those who we think would make a solid ‘fit’ for our ministry and mission. While the matching from the PC(USA) does a good job of trying to meet objective criteria it is left to prayerful evaluation to consider their educational experience, their work record, their answer to several narrative questions and their statement of faith to identify those candidates who would have a successful and meaningful ministry here.

Each candidate has to submit answers to the following questions:
• Describe a moment in your recent ministry that you recognized as one of success and fulfillment
• Describe the ministry setting to which you believe God is calling you
• What areas of growth have you identified in yourself
• Describe a time when you have led change

Each PIF is ranges from 8 to 13 pages. Members of the PNC are listening to their sermons, browsing their church’s website, exploring their Facebook and LinkedIn postings, and anything else we can learn.

Your PNC offers the same prayer nearly every week that we meet; that God reveal to us the pastor whom He has already selected for us.

You can find this information as well as answers to the Frequently Asked Questions posted on the church's website. If you are unable to find the answer to your question just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

Now is the time…..if you know a pastor who would be a good fit for Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, it is urgent that you encourage them to self-refer their Personal Information Form (PIF) to us. That can be done by sending it through the PCUSA CLC system (preferable option) or by emailing: pastorsearch@bspconline.org

We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

The interviews have begun! Yes, nearly 90 Personal Information Forms (think resumes) have been screened and several pastoral candidates have emerged as a potential fit for Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

Members of the PNC have participated in their worship, from sea to shining sea, and beyond, without ever leaving Punta Gorda. With virtual worship the norm these days, this is all being done from the comfort of our homes. We browsed their church’s website, explored their Facebook and LinkedIn postings, and anything else we can learn.

A first round of interviews is being conducted with the emerging candidates. For those for whom we see God’s hand in the possibilities, we are contacting each of the candidates’ references; usually five people to talk to.

At that point we will determine next steps. Another ZOOM interview? A campus visit? We’re not there yet. Some have asked if the PNC will hear them preach IN PERSON. The answer is yes --- the PNC will have the opportunity to hear the candidate preach and watch them interact with the congregation. This is done in a neutral pulpit location that is known only to the candidate and the PNC members.

While interviews are being scheduled, we continue to cast a wide net to consider every pastoral candidate that God puts before us. To that end, a banner advertisement will be placed on the Christianity Today website. This publication has a strong reputation with an evangelical Christian subscriber base. Additionally, if you know a pastor who would be a good fit for Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, it is urgent that you encourage them to self-refer their Personal Information Form (PIF) to us. That can be done by sending it through the PCUSA CLC system (preferable option) or by emailing: pastorsearch@bspconline.org

Here’s another way you can help:
1. Join us in prayer.
2. What question to ask! If you were on the PNC and could ask just one question, what would it be? Send your question to pastorseach@bspconline.org . Yours may be the question that helps to make our final recommendation to the congregation.

You can find this information as well as answers to the Frequently Asked Questions posted on the church website. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

After having completed what the Presbytery terms the initial screening of Personal Information Forms (think resumes) we have now entered the active screening phase. Having reviewed over 110 Personal Information Forms we have begun to narrow our consideration to a few leading candidates.

Of course, we have to keep this update to a process discussion only, so we can’t tell you anything about those candidates yet. But, you might find it interesting to hear some of the questions that they are asking us as they also complete their evaluation of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church (BSPC). It is important to note that a final call is successful when three parties all agree.
     1. The candidate feels called to BSPC and sees how his/her ministry can flourish.
    2. The Presbytery believes that the candidate is a good fit for the church and approves the call.
    3. The congregation, after receiving the recommendation from the PNC, and having an opportunity to learn about the candidate in a profile brochure and hearing him/her preach are asked to vote on the call. All three must be in agreement before BSPC has their third called pastor in 39 years.

So, the candidates’ questions are really important for all of us to consider because that is how the candidate is evaluating us. We thought it would be good to share some of the questions we’ve been asked so that you can be in reflective prayer about who we are as a congregation and how we will welcome a new pastor. Here are some of the questions:
     1. What is the biggest challenge to be faced by the new pastor?
     2. How receptive to change is the congregation? The Session?
     3. How is your church perceived by/connected with the community?

We remain committed to fulfilling the challenge of the Mission Study to bring forward a recommendation to lead our church family to an amazing kind of different…in worship, in mission, in program, in outreach, in ministry. Are you ready too?

The next step in the process is to embark on a comprehensive round of reference checks. Each member of our team is conducting interviews with references. And our General Presbyter is having candid conversations with her counterparts in the presbyteries where the candidates serve.

We continue to covet your prayers. If you were at the table when we talk to the candidates, what question would you ask? Send your question to pastorsearch@bspconline.org . Yours may be the question that helps to make our final recommendation to the congregation.

You can find this information as well as answers to the Frequently Asked Questions posted on the church website. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

As we reported in in late August we are at the place where we have completed our initial screening of 130 candidates, have completed reference checks, and have narrowed our search to a point where we have extended the invitation to our first finalist for an on-campus visit, arrangements are still in progress.

It is important to reiterate that a final call is successful when three parties all agree.
1. The candidate feels called to BSPC and sees how his/her ministry can flourish.
2. The Presbytery believes that the candidate is a good fit for the church and approves the call.
3. The congregation, after receiving the recommendation from the PNC, and having an opportunity to learn about the candidate in a profile brochure and hearing him/her preach are asked to vote on the call. All three must be in agreement before BSPC has their third called pastor in 39 years.

After our late August update, people have asked what they can do to be supportive. God bless you for that attitude! Last month we shared the kinds of questions we are hearing from the candidates. They are worth repeating and reflecting upon:
1. What is the biggest challenge to be faced by the new pastor?
2. How receptive to change is the congregation? The Session?
3. How is your church perceived by/connected with the community?
One way you can be supportive is to think about what you can do to strengthen the ministry at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

Another way you can help may catch you by surprise. As you know we have an online directory. Think about one of the biggest challenges for a new pastor and family…..to get to know the church family. Putting names with faces. So, here’s the opportunity for you. If you haven’t already provided a picture for the directory, now is the time. Once we call a pastor you can imagine that he/she will be paging through the online directory to get to know the flock. Here’s how you can do that: email your photo to office@bspconline.org Make sure to include your name in that email so that the office team can properly load it into the church directory. It is best when the photo features your smile from shoulders up. There will also be an opportunity to have your picture taken at church; watch for details.

We continue to covet your prayers. You can find this information as well as answers to the Frequently Asked Questions posted on the church website. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

Welcoming a new pastor carries with it great anticipation and likely some angst. Anticipation for the new energy, the new ideas, the new ways to worship and minister. Angst for the new energy, the new ideas, the new ways to worship and minister. No, that’s not a misprint. What we anticipate is also what causes angst.

For fun, just google ‘change quotes’ and start a moment of reflection. You’ll read everything from:
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomfort.
There is nothing permanent except change.
Change begins at the end of your comfort zone.

……and the list goes on…..

Several weeks ago a devotional that was offered prior a Pastor Nominating Committee meeting referred to the scripture that called us to think about the attitude of a child – their yearning to learn – their willingness to try new things (okay, except for brocolli) – their joyful energy. Three different times in the Bible we hear this invitation: Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16

Let us not set aside our well-earned wisdom that comes with age….but let us find the open-mindedness of a child as we anticipate a new pastor, new energy, new ideas and new ways to worship and minister.

Here’s another way to help welcome a new pastor. Think about one of the biggest challenges for a new pastor and family…..to get to know the church family. Putting names with faces. So, here’s the opportunity for you. If you haven’t already captured your SMILE in a picture for the directory, now is the time. Once we can plan the arrival of our new pastor you can imagine that he will be paging through the online directory to get to know the flock. Here’s how you can do that: email your photo to office@bspconline.org Make sure to include your name in that email so that the office team can properly load it into the church directory.

We continue to covet your prayers. As we continue this journey, if you have a question, feel free to reference the Frequently Asked Questions section. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.
We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

We are providing this information as a follow-up to our Friday, October 15 e-blast that told you the Presbytery unanimously approved our journey toward bringing our next pastor and his family to Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

Since then we have learned of the favorable decision from our next pastor. Prayers answered. Amen. We are in the process of building a plan that brings his ministry to our church virtually beginning in February 2022 and in-person as soon as the Religious Worker VISA is approved.

REMINDER: We need you to keep the identity of our next pastor CONFIDENTIAL within this church family until such time as his current church family is informed of the decision to accept a new position. This is really important. CONFIDENTIAL…..probably until sometime in January.

In the process, we are reminded that he is from another country, and does not have US citizenship, so there are hurdles we need to clear.

The first hurdle was with the Presbytery. It would be unwise for him to relinquish his Presbyterian denominational credentials from his home country until such time as he and family are confident that he can establish permanency in the USA, either by Green Card or citizenship.

For that reason, the Presbytery has authorized us to enter into what we can think of as a covenant agreement between our next pastor and Burnt Store Presbyterian Church. That agreement will be renewed annually by action of the Session and the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, allowing adjustments in compensation, just as we would with a CALL and TERMS OF CALL.

Once a permanent status in the USA is achieved, we will ask the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry to adjust his Presbyterian membership from temporary to permanent and move our arrangement from a COVENANT AGREEMENT to a CALL with no end date and TERMS OF CALL approved by the congregation each year. While he serves our church he has been granted full standing in the Presbytery with participation, voice and vote. This is important because our next pastor places great value on the connectional nature of the PCUSA.

All of those hurdles were successfully cleared during the week of October 10.

Now we focus on the second hurdle; to get approval for the Religious Worker VISA. That application has been submitted and as soon as we have a reference number we will ask every member of the Burnt Store Church family to get involved with a letter writing campaign to our Federal legislative representatives.

The third hurdle, is to figure out the ‘in between time’ from February 1 to the time our next pastor can be on campus, in-person. That is being planned as this newsletter article is being written and we will have more information in the December Smoke Signals. Stay tuned.

We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible
Rev. Dr. Chuck Wiggins, Peace River Presbytery – Committee on Ministry Liaison

The next step in the process of bringing our next pastor to Burnt Store Presbyterian Church is to get approval for the Religious Worker VISA. That application has been submitted and as soon as we have a reference number we will ask every member of the Burnt Store Presbyterian Church family to get involved with a letter writing campaign to our Federal legislative representatives. You will hear more information on how you can assist in this effort.

The good news is that even if we can’t get our next pastor here IN-PERSON, as quickly as we would like, he will begin his ministry with us on February 1, 2022. We are calling this the in-between time virtual pastoral model. Here are some highlights about how that will work. The details are being finalized and we will keep you informed in the January Smoke Signals article and at the January 30 Annual Congregation Meeting.

Worship: On February 6 we will welcome Melana Scruggs to the pulpit to conduct worship and administer communion. It is typical for the General Presbyter to provide the transition message when congregations are welcoming new pastors. We are grateful for her presence.

Beginning in February 13 our new pastor will provide scripture, sermon and benediction via pre-recorded video. Pastors Alan Adams and Lou Zuck have agreed to provide in-person worship leadership during this in-between time. One Sunday a month Pastor Alan will offer the sermon so that we see worship in a more ‘normal’ format. We are creatures of routine and we are grateful for your openness to worship in this format. This would not have been possible were it not for what we learned in our adaptations during COVID times.

Pastoral Care is really important, and difficult to cover from 8200 miles away. For this work, Pastor Lou will provide resource to the Diaconate meetings and be available for the hospital and hospice visits. He will also be available to conduct memorial services, when needed.

In both cases, worship and pastoral care, Pastors Alan and Lou will serve as back-up to each other as schedules require.

A person to lead Men’s Bible Study, typically facilitated by the pastor of the congregation, is in the process of being recruited. More information to follow.

So, you probably wonder about the role of these in-person pastors. They will be serving in part-time capacities at the pleasure of our Head of Staff Pastor (our new pastor). He will nominate them to their roles for approval by the Session and Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry. Once our new pastor arrives on campus, their roles will surely be adjusted. During this in-between time, we are most grateful as each of them hears God’s call to share their gifts in meaningful and important ways for our church. Those approvals are being secured during the month of December; all in a decent and orderly Presbyterian way.

Beginning in February our new pastor will moderate session meetings and staff meetings via ZOOM. And, he would, of course, be available to the various ministries of Session, but the idea would be to limit that active involvement, respecting the half-time arrangement. We will try to keep all meeting commitments to a Friday as that is his day off at his current church.

REMINDER: We need you to keep the identity of our next pastor CONFIDENTIAL within this church family until such time as his current church family is informed of the decision to accept a new position. This is really important. CONFIDENTIAL…..probably until sometime in January.

We continue to covet your prayers. 

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo Don Schaible

A wise person said that a calendar is a symbol of HOPE and fresh beginnings. On February 1 we will welcome our next pastor to lead ministry at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

By way of brief reminder, we are calling this the in-between time virtual pastoral model. Here are some highlights about how that will work. Pastor Jaco will serve as head of staff, he will moderate Session meetings and we will hear his pre-recorded messages on Sundays as we gather together in worship.

Thanks to Pastors Alan Adams and Lou Zuck we will benefit by their in-person pastoral roles. Pastor Alan will carry a heavier load in worship, ‘holding the worship service together,’ as Pastor Jaco would say. In that role he will attend Worship Ministry meetings. Pastor Lou will provide the in-person pastoral care. He will attend Diaconate meetings and will be available for hospital and hospice visits, and will attend to memorial services, when needed. In both cases, worship and pastoral care, Pastors Alan and Lou will serve as back-up to each other.

The role in which both pastors will be serving is called a PARISH ASSOCIATE, not an associate pastor. It is a defined role in our presbytery, serves at the pleasure of Pastor Jaco who nominated them to the roles for approval by the Session (approved in November) and the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry (being considered as this article is being submitted.)

Please tell both of them know how much we appreciate their response to God’s call.

Coverage for Men’s Bible Study, typically facilitated by the pastor of the congregation, is in the process of being recruited. More information to follow, probably at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation at the end of the month.

Many have asked how long we live with this in-between time model. The honest answer is that we don’t know. In December you received information on how to let your voices be known to our Federal-level legislators. That information came to you via email. If you missed it, the information can be picked up at the Information Carousel. If you haven’t already written your letters, please make it a priority as soon as you finish reading this issue of Smoke Signals.

How long before we can tell the community about our new pastor? Since this is written in mid-December, we believe that we can go public very soon, probably mid-January. Watch the e-weekly news for more information.

We continue to covet your prayers. As we continue this journey, if you have a question, feel free to reference the Frequently Asked Questions section. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, just send it to: pastorsearch@bspconline.org and we will send you the answer directly and post it on the church’s website for all to benefit.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell Don DeWitt
Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz Nan Qurollo Don Schaible           

As you are reading this we have officially begun the next chapter of pastoral leadership…..and with joy await the time when Pastor Jaco Bester, Jacqui and their family are able to come to the United States of America.

Religious Worker VISA approval. At the time of this writing (mid-January) we hope that the church family has flooded our Florida legislators with letters encouraging the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to expedite the approval of the application. If you have not already done so, please check the Information Carousel for information for the letter writing campaign.

By way of brief reminder, we are calling this the in-between time virtual pastoral model. Here are some highlights about how that will work. Pastor Jaco will serve as head of staff, he will moderate Session meetings and we will hear his pre-recorded messages on Sundays as we gather together in worship.

Thanks to Pastors Alan Adams and Lou Zuck we will benefit by their in-person pastoral roles. Pastor Alan will carry a heavier load in worship, ‘holding the worship service together,’ as Pastor Jaco would say. In that role he will attend Worship Ministry meetings. Pastor Lou will provide the in-person pastoral care. He will attend Diaconate meetings and will be available for hospital and hospice visits, and will attend to memorial services, when needed. In both cases, worship and pastoral care, Pastors Alan and Lou will serve as back-up to each other.

Getting to know our Parish Associates: Pastor Alan Adams: A native of Norwich, Connecticut is an ordained Presbyterian Minister of Word and Sacrament who has recently become Honorably Retired after fourteen years of service as the Executive Presbyter of Beaver-Butler Presbytery in Western Pennsylvania. Prior to his service as an executive presbyter, Alan served as Pastor, Head of Staff at Strathmoor Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky for eight years. After his retirement Alan served First Presbyterian church in Arcadia, Florida as an Interim for a 1 1/2 years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Missouri Valley College and his Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Prior to his ministerial studies and career in the Presbyterian Church Alan was an entrepreneur with three businesses in Connecticut. He and Carla have been married 46 years and have two grown children, Joel and Abby, a daughter-in-law, Yukari; three grandsons and one granddaughter.

Pastor Lou Zuck: A native of LaPorte City, Iowa he spent 36 of his 40 years as a United Methodist minister. He received his bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University, his Masters of Ministry from Anderson School of Theology and his Masters of Divinity from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He served 8 years as a chaplain (1st Lt.) in the Illinois Army National Guard. His community and mission activities reflect his caring heart and kind ways. He and Lynn have been married for 42 years and upon retirement in 2013 moved to Punta Gorda where we have seen him singing in the choir, working in the Memorial Garden, providing pulpit supply and participating on Habitat for Humanity workdays.

Please tell both of them know how much we appreciate their response to God’s call.

Coverage for Men’s Bible Study: We are happy to announce that Pastor Lyn Olson, who provided pulpit supply late last year, has agreed to lead a 6-week Men’s Bible Study. Wednesday mornings at 9:00 in Stewart Hall. Their first study will be the book of James. This is a perfect time for you to join the group. Come a few minutes early for coffee and conversation. The fun begins on February 2.

Calling all prayer warriors: Let’s pray for a warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jacqui, and children….for the Religious Worker VISA approval….for Pastors Alan, Lou and Lyn as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell Don DeWitt
Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz Nan Qurollo Don Schaible           

It was one year ago, March 17, 2021, that your Pastor Nominating Committee has its first meeting. The notes from that meeting prepared us for a 12-18 month process. Here we are, at the one-year mark, and we have a pastor. Yes, in an unconventional way, but we are on the path to living into our Mission Study and a different kind of amazing ministry at Burnt Store Presbyterian.

Religious Worker VISA approval. The most popular question being asked of the members of the PNC is: ‘have you heard anything about the Religious Worker VISA approval process.’ The short answer is ‘no.’ Now we wait for the wheels of the immigration bureaucracy to turn unless we are successful with one of several efforts to work a back-channel that might lift the application up on the list. We do have several of those initiatives in play, but have no indication that any will be successful. We pray! And, we continue to plan for the Bester family arrival.

Likewise, 8200 miles away, the Besters are preparing. In a recent communication Pastor Jaco informed us that they have signed a sole-mandate with a real estate agent to list their home. Photos are being taken and the house should go on the market in early March. They are working with a timeline of three months for the sale to be registered and transfer to take place. So, if the house sells in March, they'll have to be out by June and are preparing to rent for a few months if the VISAs won't be ready by then. From Pastor Jaco’s email: “How's that for hopeful of the immigration miracle?” They pray!

Mindful of our Blessings. Let us be mindful of the many blessings during this in-between time; Pastors Lou and Alan as they resource different areas of ministry, Pastor Lyn as she brings the book of James to Men’s Bible Study, Pastor Bill and Linda as they didn’t miss a beat in adding music to our worship. And our continuing staff as they adapt to this most unusual in-between time.

Valentine Love Story. While Valentine’s is celebrated in South Africa, it is not quite the deal it is in the USA. But getting in the rhythm of the USA celebration, Pastor Jaco shared this precious story: “…Jax [Jacqui] and I made heart-shaped pancakes with raspberry syrup for the kids for breakfast, and at the table they all shared what they love about each other. It was such a wonderful moment!”

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Let’s pray for a continuing warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jacqui, and children….for the Religious Worker VISA approval….for everyone as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray.
Bill Ancona Luceal Curry Katherine Darrell Don DeWitt
Helen Heinlein Charmaine Ponkratz Nan Qurollo Don Schaible           


The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has just been informed that the United States Customs and Immigration Service has conducted their site visit related to the Religious Worker VISA application for Pastor Jaco Bester. That visit happened at the offices of Peace River Presbytery since they are the petitioner in this application process. There is no conclusion that we can draw about what this means for the timeframe for approval, but this is a big step in process. Praise the Lord. Keep praying for the immigration miracle.

Grateful for your participation and generosity: We are especially appreciative of the many ways the Burnt Store Presbyterian Church family of God made the Bester visit special. Worship was glorious; inspiring messages and music (even a bagpiper) and the energy of the faithful. The inaugural Garden Party was the best of fellowship, good food and toe-tapping music. Yes, inaugural….because we would love to make the next one even bigger….reaching out to the community and sharing the love of Christ with those who otherwise just drive past the campus….and never find a reason to stop! And, then the Mother’s Day tribute with the Prayer of Love letter written by Pastor Jaco and the video tribute to mothers and those who love unconditionally. It is told there were tears of joy.

The Besters were hosted in the vacation home of a member which gave them a beautiful opportunity to retreat to privacy after busy days…and also to feel the lifestyle of living in Punta Gorda. They were able to explore the area in their newly gifted van, also made possible by a member of our church family. And so many of you added to that with an outpouring of gifts and messages that warmed their hearts and will make for a soft landing as they figure out how to relocate a family of 7 across 8200 miles. Thank you for your generous hospitality.

Religious Worker VISA approval: When the VISA application was submitted in November we received a RECEIPT number from United States Customs and Immigration Service dated December 6, 2021. As of that date the timeframe for religious worker VISA approvals was 9.5 to 12 months. Then on March 18, that posted timeframe was reduced to 7.5 to 10 months. On May 5 the USCIS changed the report of the backlog and now post it as an average of 6.5 months --- no longer a range. The trend is favorable! On May 10, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) was informed that the United States Customs and Immigration Service had conducted their site visit related to the Religious Worker VISA application for Pastor Jaco Bester. That visit happened at the offices of Peace River Presbytery since they are the petitioner in this application process. There is no conclusion that we can draw about what this means for the timeframe for approval, but this is a big step in process. Praise the Lord. Once it is approved here in the USA the USCIS will issue a VOUCHER number and the Besters take that to the US Embassy in Johannesburg to get their VISAs. The backlog for those appointments is running 6-8 weeks. Keep praying for an immigration miracle.

Where will they live: This is the next frontier. While here Jax was able to explore neighborhoods from Deep Creek to northern Cape Coral. She has a good sense of where they would like to land. As you know the inventories are low; time will tell what is available once the VISA approval comes through. She even visited a furniture store since they are thinking about keeping their furniture shipping to a minimum. That’s very practical. The PNC sent a package to the Besters in August of 2021; it has still not arrived. Needless to say, shipping is an issue and being without furniture for an extended period of time is not an option.

Mindful of our Blessings: One year ago this month we had our first interview with Pastor Jaco after having asked him to respond to a few written questions. It was the start of God’s journey to bring the Besters to Punta Gorda.

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Let’s pray for a continuing warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jacqui, and children….for the Religious Worker VISA approval…for housing...for everyone as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray.

Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell
Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz
Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible

Immigration update: Last month we told you about the United States Immigration and Customs visit that occurred at the Presbytery office. As we said then, there is no conclusion that we can draw about what this means for the timeframe for approval. When last month’s Smoke Signals article was written, the average time for a Religious Worker Visa approval was 6.5 months. That has slid to 7.5 months. As you read this we are just under 7 months since our application with USICS but are reminded that the timeframes quoted are averages. Once the Religious VISA is approved here in the USA the USCIS will issue a VOUCHER number and the Besters take that to the US Embassy in Johannesburg to get their VISAs. The backlog for those appointments is running 60 days and they are not able to make an appointment until they have a voucher number. Keep praying for an immigration miracle.

Christmas in July: For the past few months we have been collecting books for Pastor Jaco’s library since it is impractical to bring his book collection. The PNC asked the pastor for his top 100 wish list. Ten pastors from across the Presbytery have already donated books. Additionally, ten individuals have added to the collection. At this point there are about 45 books on the wish list that have not been donated. So, the idea is to have a little Christmas in July. Beginning July 10 there will be a ‘book tree’ in the narthex. There will be tags on the tree representing each book that has not yet been donated to the Pastor’s collection.

If you are so inclined, just pick up one of the book tags. It will contain the name of the book and the author. While we haven’t checked each book on the list, we do believe that a good place to start to find it will be www.christianbook.com. A few books are available on www.amazon.com There are directions on each tag, but it is pretty simple.
1. Purchase book: BOOK TITLE and AUTHOR will be provided
2. Complete bookmark below by filling in the donated by space
3. Place bookmark in book and return to the Information Carousel by July 31.

Thank-you, in advance, for considering this way to welcome Pastor Jaco. The Over and Above account is also still available for cash donations and will be available for Pastor Jaco, Jax and the family to get settled in their home.

Where will they live: As this is being written plans are being developed to give the Besters the option of considering either a rental or a home purchase. The latter is difficult for anyone coming in from another country as banks want to see a credit record established in the USA before lending money. There are creative minds working this issue and you will hear more about this in the near future, assuming we are able to put a plan together that makes sense for all parties involved.

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Let’s pray for a continuing warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jax, and children….for the Religious Worker VISA approval…for housing...for everyone as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray. Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell, Don DeWitt
Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz, Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible    

Immigration update: By now you have likely heard the great news that the US Customs and Immigration Services has approved the petition for the Religious Worker VISA for Pastor Jaco Bester. The next step is for the Besters to make an appointment with the US Consulate in Johannesburg to get the application and administrative paperwork completed for their VISAs. The backlog for those appointments is running 60 to 210 days and they were not able to make an appointment until they have a voucher number from the petition approval. Pastor Jaco is optimistic about being granted an expedited interview thus bringing the time frame closer to 60 days. Praise the Lord.

Library collection: During July we invited you to buy a book from Pastor Jaco’s favorites list to round out his study here on campus. Thank-you to all of you who took a book tag from the tree and bought the favorite book listed on the tag. If you took a tag and the book has not yet arrived, you may leave it at the Information Carousel once you have it in hand. The PNC wants to thank you for your generosity and the many ways you are welcoming the Besters. If you missed the opportunity to participate in this welcome, you may still make a cash gift to the Over and Above account designated for the Besters to furnish their home. They are bringing what fits in their suitcases! Just mark your donation clearly as an OVER AND ABOVE.

Where will they live: A home has been purchased in an arrangement between the church, the Besters and a private party/investor. It will be ready for their arrival whenever that day shall come. The family will be living within minutes of the church in a home with a spacious backyard for the children to enjoy. Jax had been making home furnishing selections long distance. We might guess that one of Pastor Jaco’s early purchases will be a wood pellet grill.

Peace River Presbytery: At the July meeting of Peace River Presbytery Pastor Jaco’s membership status was upgraded from temporary to permanent. In October 2021, when the Presbytery first acted on Pastor’s membership there were some polity hurdles that needed to be crossed to make this final action possible. One more milestone achieved in the process. We offer thanks to Presbytery leadership for their support and to Pastor Jaco for his perseverance in working through the polity maze.

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Let’s pray for a continuing warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jax, and children…for the next step in the VISA approval process…for everyone as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray. Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell, Don DeWitt
Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz, Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible                     

The Besters are Coming! The long-awaited journey is almost over. As this article is being authored we believe that Pastor Jaco, Jax and children will be arriving in the USA in mid-November. And Pastor Jaco will be in-person for worship on November 20. Look elsewhere in this issue of Smoke Signals for special worship plans.

Although we have been blessed with Pastor Jaco’s worship leadership since February, this arrival, in many ways, will feel more official. It marks the third called head of staff pastor to serve Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

As we look to 2023 we are also reminded that it marks the 40th anniversary of our church’s charter. Session has authorized a committee to begin planning special events that will celebrate four decades of ministry and mission as well as outreach to the community with worship, celebration and fellowship. If you have ideas for how these milestones can be recognized please contact Kathy Brown-Mayes, Luceal Curry, Kathy Darrell, Lois Gorman, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz, Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible.

Share Your Little Secret ….. with the Besters. You are invited to share information about family-friendly adventures that the Besters might enjoy.

Jot down the name of the event/location/adventure that you want to be sure the Besters know about. Keep it within 50 miles. Provide a street address/city or website address. In 20 words or less tell them what to expect when they go.

Drop your adventure idea into the Bester Bucket List at the Information Carousel on any Sunday in October or send it to ponkratz@comcast.net. A final list will be compiled….so don’t worry about duplicating an idea with someone else.

Here are a couple examples:
Peace River Wildlife Center – Ponce de Leon Park, Punta Gorda – a wildlife rehabilitation and education center. Take a picnic lunch to enjoy at the adjacent park. https://prwildlife.org/about/who-we-are/

Gilcrest Park Playground – 400 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda – playground activities, tennis and pickleball courts – all along Charlotte Harbor. Take a picnic lunch. https://www.ci.punta-gorda.fl.us/visitors/gilchrist-park-playground

Time to Wear Your Name Tag. There is no better time to get in the habit of wearing your name tag to church. It will help the Besters attach names to faces. And, with snowbirds returning to the area, we hope to be welcoming first time guests into the house of the Lord.

Library Collection: During July we invited you to buy a book from Pastor Jaco’s favorites list to round out his study here on campus. Thank-you to all of you who took a book tag from the tree and bought the favorite book listed on the tag. If you took a tag, please be sure to bring your book to the Information Carousel. Jaco’s reaction via email garnered a triple exclamation point, “My heart leapt for joy when I got the updated spreadsheet!!!”

Calling all Prayer Warriors: Let’s pray for a continuing warm welcome, even from a distance for Pastor Jaco, Jax, and children…for the next step in the VISA approval process…for everyone as they stand in the gap during this in-between time….for the church family at St. Columba’s (Johannesburg) and for our church family here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church.

We are in this together, let’s pray. Bill Ancona, Luceal Curry, Katherine Darrell, Don DeWitt, Helen Heinlein, Charmaine Ponkratz, Nan Qurollo, Don Schaible           

Frequently Asked Questions

You may find the answer to your question below. If not, just click here to submit a question.

After 7 months and 135 personal information forms (think resumes) we did not find anyone who carried God’s love, passion and compassion the way that our next pastor presented. Rest assured, going through the immigration hurdles was not our idea, but after much prayer and discernment we came to the conclusion that it was God’s will.

 An R-1 nonimmigrant is an alien who is coming to the United States temporarily to work at least part time (an average of at least 20 hours per week) as a minister or in a religious vocation or occupation and be employed by a:
• Non-profit religious organization in the United States;
• Religious organization that is authorized by a group tax exemption holder to use its group tax exemption; or
• Non-profit organization which is affiliated with a religious denomination in the United States.
The total period of stay in the United States in R-1 classification cannot exceed five years (60 months). Source: the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency.
During that 60 month period the pastor and family will pursue permanent status.

An R-1 religious worker’s spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may be eligible for R-1 classification. An R-2 dependent is not authorized to work based on this visa classification. We are confident that his wife and the children will be covered with an R-2 VISA. Their youngest is a US citizen.

We are calling the time between the departure of our interim pastor and the in-person arrival of Pastor Jaco the ‘in-between time’. It takes advantage of being able to deploy a hybrid pastoral model; blending in-person leadership with virtual leadership. There is a concept in Peace River Presbytery called a Parish Associate: “a minister who wishes to maintain a relationship with a particular church or churches in keeping with ordination to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament. The relation shall be established, upon nomination by the pastor between the Parish Associate, the session and the Presbytery. The Parish Associate shall be responsible to the pastor, as head of staff, on an “as needed, as available” basis and with or without remuneration.” Source: Peace River Presbytery Administrative Manual Committee on Ministry Chapter.

Pastor Jaco will serve as head of staff and will moderate Session meetings virtually. We will hear his pre-recorded messages on Sundays as we gather together in worship.
Thanks to Pastors Alan Adams and Lou Zuck we will benefit by their in-person pastoral roles. Pastor Alan will carry a heavier load in worship, ‘holding the worship service together,’ as Pastor Jaco would say. In that role he will attend Worship Ministry meetings. Pastor Lou will provide the in-person pastoral care. He will attend Diaconate meetings and will be available for hospital and hospice visits, and will attend to memorial services, when needed. In both cases, worship and pastoral care, Pastors Alan and Lou will serve as back-up to each other.

Additionally, Pastor Lyn Olson, who provided pulpit supply late last year, has agreed to lead the Men’s Bible Study. Wednesday mornings at 9:00 in Stewart Hall. Their first study will be the book of James. This is a perfect time for you to join the group. Come a few minutes early for coffee and conversation. The fun begins on February 9.

What this means is that Pastor Jaco and family now have permission to apply for a Visa from the US Consulate in Johannesburg. This Visa, if approved, will grant Pastor Jaco freedom to enter the US and work. Part of this Visa application is an interview at the Consulate, and we will be able to confirm in next week’s e-weekly what the date for that interview will be. In order to manage expectations, let me say that (at this stage) the estimated wait time for an interview is approximately 210 days! That seems like an excessively long time, but there is a very high likelihood that the Besters will qualify for an expedited interview, which could see the wait time reduced to 60 days.

Burnt Store Presbyterian Church

11330 Burnt Store Road - Punta Gorda - Florida - 33955
Phone: (941) 639-0001
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fri 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 AM -Traditional / 10:30 AM - Contemporary